
Frédéric Bernardin holds a Civil Engineering and Transport degree from the school of engineering ENTPE of Lyon and defends in 2004 a PhD Thesis in applied mathematics (University of Lyon).

In 2017, he obtained from Clermont Auvergne University a HDR (habilitation to steer research) and supervised (or currently supervising) 7 PhD Thesis (5 are linked to stochastic dynamics for road vehicles and to adverse weather conditions in a road context.

He has carried out and managed research projects on the impact of adverse meteorological conditions on visibility and road surface and on the development of ADAS by a probabilistic approach. Dr. Bernardin is author of 40 scientific publications.

Whithin the ITS team, he is currently responsible of the Fog and Rain Research and Development platform of Cerema and head of a team working on the impact of the adverse meteorological conditions on road mobility and safety.

Development skills : Fortran, Matlab, Python